Rantings / Muses

12:07 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So today I choose to spend my break clearing my mind and not stressing the things I have to do. Because I need to and I can't do the errands anyways, so I am working on stressing it at a time I can do something about it. I will repeat until I believe it.

I have decided that the college has plenty of offerings of confoundedness. Today I will share the world that is college students.

The Artist

So the day starts in drawing 101. Probably the only person in class who finds it a challenge. The artist show themselves in their own artistic ways, I usually find this to be a freer sense of style. By no means am I against this I usually applaud the originality and courage to be that free. I have spotted the artist and so she shall be named. Her outfit of choice pushes the limits of clothes and more towards underwear. I never did find out what her top was, it was covered with a hoodie and well she had to be cold considering the rest of her outfit consisted of what is called booty shorts in dance (think black lycra boy short underwear) and black nylons with stripes. She did wear a hat on her head with ears. I am always saddened when girls feel that their only way to get noticed is through the lack of clothing. You can pull off creative, sexy and fun without having to be unclothed, I hope.

The Steam

This young lady maybe the exact opposite of the Artist. She was dressed from a victorian era novel. She was clothed from head to toe. Top hat with a feather, half jacket, shift, corset (best guess is with boning in), top skirt with a bustle. I really don't know what makes one think hey I am going to wear that to college today. It was well put together and definitely original.

The Ranter

So I won't spend to much time on the Ranter he doesn't deserve it. It was that time in the semester when the Ranter comes in to preach fire and brimstone. He will offend all before he leaves but more intriguing is watching the college kids get bated into the argument. Never fails and when one group tires another will replace them.

All three on the lawn. How convenient for me.

Reggae Bucks

So one thing I love is all that is stated about there being a coffee shop in our college. As I ordered my froufrou coffee I noticed the vast difference in the service staff the yacht club (2 cheerleaders and 1 preppy boy) and the reggae band (1 girl and 1 guy). This would be great if the yacht club wasn't being stereotypical.

There are days it pays to not be in my 20's and in college.

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Waiting ...

10:57 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

We are sitting here waiting for Bunny's dance competition to start. The convention center is almost empty. Yesterday it was about 75% full with a constant churn of people.

One of the other moms commented about won't it be weird for them to dance to an almost empty place. This started me thinking about how when I was younger when you went to a competition that everyone went at the same time and stayed for the whole thing. Is this a thing of the past teaching our kids to cheer on our competition? Is that last 30 minutes of sleep so important? More important than showing support for others? I am personally excited to stay and see all the dances today. I have always enjoyed dance, especially watching it since I lack all personal talent.

As I wait I wonder how my small one will handle the end. Will she get an award? If so will it go to her little head? What if she doesn't, will she be devastated or motivated to practice more and try harder?

I think this is all to much for such a 6 year old but she hasn't blinked once or shown signs of nervousness and I am in awe of her confidence and excitement.

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10:28 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
This blog has been delayed due to being out of town. From last week.

You relax into your seat, book in hand, as your plane takes off. The stranger sitting next to you fidgets - he has seemed unusually nervous. A few moments later, you feel his hand on your arm. You turn to see his eyes pleading with you.
"I'm not supposed to speak to anyone," he begins, "But I have to clear my conscience."
You get a little nervous, mind wanders over whether or not you can cause an emergency landing.
"I can't move on without getting somethings off my chest" he says
There is a long silent pause before he continues. "There are many things in my life I am not proud of .... "
As he continues to talk you catch phrases here and sex, gluttony, pride, envy. It seems like a run down of the 7 deadly sins. Your mind continues to wander horrible scenario one after another runs through your mind. You can't focus on his words and time seems to stand still.
A voice comes over the loud speaker "as we approach our destination we would like to thank you ..."
Your thoughts are clearing and you breathe deeply, turn to your neighbor in time to hear him say in a raspy, barely audible voice "Thank you Father, I needed to share that. Please pray that my voice holds out and that I will be forgiven. I don't know what I will do if she doesn't say yes."

This prompt is from:
Daily writing prompts are posted, check it out. I am definitely having fun with it.
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Writing Prompt - Favorite Quote

10:53 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today I am using a writing prompt, I think more to keep it short and shallow as opposed to my current frustrations being let loose.

Prompt - what is your favorite quote, why does it appeal to you? When do you draw inspiration from it?

So the first thing that happens is my mind goes blank. I cannot think of a single quote. I am informed that 'suck it' does not qualify as a quote. So I will reserve it as my current favorite phrase.

I did a quick google for inspiration, I am fond of A A Milne. His quotes are simple and heart felt. For today I choose:

“What day is it?"
It's today," squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day," said Pooh.”
― A.A. Milne

I think this speaks to me right now, where I am now. Things are starting to pick up as the New Year takes off and activities pick up. It is a reminder that today is the day that is important, not yesterday and not tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I also think it speaks to me because of the recent loss in our family. It was unexpected age aside she was doing great a month ago.

A couple others I like from A A Milne:

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

This to my husband - I always want to feel this way towards you.

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”

To my friends, my girls, my husband. You all inspire and amaze me all the time.

“One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.”
― A.A. Milne

And this because it is truly my mind.

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New Years 2013 - sadness and resolutions

10:30 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today is the start of a whole new year and it is already a bumpy start. We rang in the new year in our traditional manner - a fun filled night of games and friends. We have been doing this for several years. Saddened that one of our good friends has moved away but happy for her and her fresh start and new beginnings.

After a late night and late morning start we receive a call that my grandma passed away during the night from pneumonia. It was quite unexpected, she was healthy when we saw her less than a month ago. Although she was in her 80's she was still quite active and lively. I am saddened by the loss and presented with the fact that my grandfather is the last of my grandparents alive. Our past where we came from seems to be hanging by a thread - so fragile. I am not sure what my grandfather will do, they had been together for at least 40 years.

My resolutions for this new year:

- make it great, rough start or not
- write, draw, and take a pic everyday - this is my stick with it resolution
- back to the gym and out of the stores
- stay on top of homework and tasks (giving more free time)
- use that free time with my girls and husband having fun
- eat at home as much as possible.

Long term resolutions for the year:

- move, at first in town but big goal is to a new state and a new adventure for our family
- graduate, this is well underway
- get a job, this is most nerve racking

In my goal to write daily, i hope to post here daily. Some days it will be thoughts and ramblings and some days I will use prompts to find my inspiration. I hope you visit often.
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5:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I haven't blogged here in forever but I thought you would get a kick out of this picture. This is the cake we made for our 6 year old, she wanted Monster High.

We got lots of looks at the restaurant we were in, and I can't imagine what anyone thought if they went into the fridge there.

Epic Fail

10:25 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Not only does this blog appear to be an epic failure, so does my creativity.

I made a rash or silly decision that I am happy when I am making anything. Cooking, crafts, scrapbooks, and my newest hobby stamping. I do seem to enjoy it, but I don't seem to be able to create anything that the rest of the world appreciates. I am not one of those truly artsy-fartsy people you can say "Oh well, you just don't know what art is.". Heck I am not sure I know what art is so who am I to say others don't either?

We are talking about basic items, right now mainly cards and other stamped items. I am pretty simple in my design, I am pretty simple for the most part. My thought is if I am going to make it to give to someone else or to sell then it doesn't have to be overly difficult. I do appreciate the art of the project but can't spend 3 to 4 hours on one card.

So I sit here wondering if I am in over my head (a common problem for me), see I signed up to do a day at a local craft fair. I thought I was doing a good thing, price was right, even I should be able to make contacts and start my business moving forward. As, I prepare for the event I realize that I am in over my head. I had a wonderful friend come over today to help me prepare and we both seemed to suffer from creative block. Not much was accomplished. I was trying to prepare my order for these projects and I got nothing but a long list of things I would like to do, but no solid designs on what I wanted to do. So I look at spending several hundred dollars on thoughts but no solid ideas.

When, where, why and how did I become an epic failure?